The data24 service that is bundled with every installation of mbCONNECT24/mymbCONNECT24 has two serious flaws in core components. These combined can lead to a complete loss of confidentiality, integrity and availability.

The data24 service that is bundled with every installation of myREX24/myREX24.virtual has two serious flaws in core components. These combined can lead to a complete loss of confidentiality, integrity and availability.

A low privileged attacker with physical access to a controller, that supports removable media and is running a CODESYS Control runtime system, can exploit the insufficient path validation by connecting removable media with a file system supporting symbolic links. This could allow the attacker to bypass SysFile restrictions and gain unauthorized access to the entire file system.

The CODESYS Gateway enables communication between CODESYS runtimes and other clients, primarily the CODESYS Development System V3. It is usually installed as a part of the CODESYS Development System V3 setup and accessed locally by the CODESYS Development System. Due to an insecure standard configuration of the CODESYS Gateway, it is not only accessible locally, but also remotely by default.

The OPC UA security policy Basic128Rsa15 is vulnerable against attacks on the private key. This can lead to loss of confidentiality or authentication bypass. The CODESYS OPC UA server is not affected in the default configuration. However, the affected policy may be enabled by a customer configuration.

Wago: Vulnerability in libwagosnmp

Nozomi Networks reported a vulnerability in the pfc firmware sdk-G2 of libwagosnmp. The WAGO pfc-firmware-sdk-G2 is a software development kit designed for WAGO PFC devices which allows developers to build and customize the firmware.

Multiple Weidmüller products are affected by an OpenSSL vulnerability.

Weidmüller has released new firmwares of the affected products to fix the vulnerability.

Weidmüller product PROCON-WIN is affected by hard-coded credentials.

Weidmüller has released a new version of the affected product to fix the vulnerability.


By Vendor




(Scoring for CVSS 2.0,3.0+3.1)
No CVE available
0.1 <= 3.9
4.0 <= 6.9
7.0 <= 8.9
9.0 <= 10.0