A timeout during a TLS handshake can result in the connection failing to terminate. This can result in a Niagara thread hanging and requires a manual restart to correct.

The build settings of a PLCnext Engineer project (.pcwex) can be manipulated in a way that can result in the execution of remote code.
The attacker needs to get access to a PLCnext Engineer project to be able to manipulate files inside. Additionally, the files of the remote code need to be transferred to a location which can be accessed by the PC that runs PLCnext Engineer. When PLCnext Engineer runs a build process of the manipulated project the remote code can be executed.

Manipulated PC Worx projects could lead to a remote code execution due to insufficient input
data validation.

The attacker needs to get access to an original PC Worx project to be able to manipulate data
inside the project folder. After manipulation the attacker needs to exchange the original files by
the manipulated ones on the application programming workstation.

FL MGUARD, TC MGUARD, TC ROUTER and TC CLOUD CLIENT devices are affected by a buffer overflow vulnerability within the PPP service.

The PPP service is not active by default, but is used commonly at TC ROUTER, TC CLOUD CLIENT.
It is also running in the following FL MGUARD and TC MGUARD configurations:

• Mobile data connection
• Router mode “Modem”
• Router mode “PPPoE”
• L2TP over IPsec

Malicious PPP peers could try to exploit the vulnerability from remote.

If the software runs as a service, a user with limited access can gain administrator privileges by starting a shell with administrator rights from the Import / Export configuration dialog.

The Phoenix Contact application ‘PC WORX SRT’ is installed as service. The installation path of the application is configured to have insecure permissions which allows any unprivileged user to write arbitrary files to the installation directory where all the configuration files and binaries of the service are located.

Multiple Vulnerabilities exist in components used by the aforementioned products. See CVE-Details for more information.


Wind River VxWorks has a Buffer Overflow in the TCP component (issue 1 of 4). This is an IPNET security vulnerability: TCP Urgent Pointer = 0 that leads to an integer underflow.

The vulnerability affects a little-known feature of the TCP/IP protocol, sending out-of-band data, also known as urgent data. Although the feature is rarely used in the real world, its implementation, consisting of an “Urgent Flag” and an “Urgent Pointer”, is present in the header of every TCP packet. Exploiting these vulnerabilities does therefore not depend on any specific configuration. If a VxWorks device communicates using the TCP protocol, it is vulnerable. It also does not matter which side initiates a TCP connection. An attacker can exploit the vulnerabilities if the VxWorks device is operated as a server that accepts TCP connections, if the VxWorks device connects to a malicious host operated by the attacker, or as a man-in-the-middle, manipulating a TCP connection between the VxWorks device and a legitimate host.


This vulnerability affects established TCP sessions. An attacker who can figure out the source and destination TCP port and IP addresses of a session can inject invalid TCP segments into the flow, causing the TCP session to be reset.


Nach Hersteller




(Scoring für CVSS 2.0,3.0+3.1)
Kein CVE verfügbar
0.1 <= 3.9
4.0 <= 6.9
7.0 <= 8.9
9.0 <= 10.0